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MRG Connections stocks Radiata Pine in five different grades these include No 1 Clears, No 2 Clears, Dressing Grade, Standard and Better and Industrial.  Below you can find a description and photo of each grade as well as some other names that each grade is commonly referred too.  

Radiata Pine No 1 Clears

The highest quality grade, Clear Lumber is free of knots and blemishes, which is ideally suited for uses where a long length clear is required. Due to its light colour and clean appearance, this clears grade requires a minimum of processing to achieve an excellent finish.
Suitable for: 
- mouldings
- furniture
- or where clear, long lengths are required.
Also known as: C1, Clears1, Clrs1 

Radiata Pine No 2 Clears

A very high grade that has one clear face, suited for uses where a long length clear finish is required and the other face is concealed.  Back face may have some defects. 
Suitable for: 
Where one clear face and two clear edges are require

Also known as: C2, Clears2, Clrs2

Radiata Pine Dressing Grade

An excellent grade for use where clear boards do not provide enough natural character. Dressing grade still has fine appearance, but features tight knots and other minor defects. Excellent recoveries are achievable, as this grade can be used in its entirety.

Also known as: DG, Furniture Grade, Premium Grade, Select Grade

Radiata Pine Standard and Better

A general utility grade produced from the outer sapwood and is free of pith (F.O.P.). Economically used for manufacturing knotty pine furniture, DIY projects, warehouse shelving and framing for upholstery furniture.

Also known as: SB, Standard

Radiata Pine Industrial Grade

A general utility grade. This grade is also used in manufacturing, where economic pricing is most critical to the buyer. This grade is cut from the core of the log and generally considered the lowest grade produced. The grade will vary depending on the log quality and sawmill cutting patterns. Also used in packaging and pallet manufacture. This is also known as Box Grade and Packaging Grade. Pieces should hold together under normal handling.

Also known as: IND, Merch Grade

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